The Awards Ceremony for the Region VI SEF held at UL-Lafayette on February 24, 2024 will be Tuesday, March 5, 2024, at the Louisiana Immersive Technologies Enterprise (LITE) Center in the auditorium. The time is from 5:30-7:00. Look for the big green egg across from the CajunDome.
To start a new project, click on "DIRECTIONS" under "LABELS" and the post will walk you through what to do to start a new project.

If you want to see an overview of previously disqualified projects and the reasons why, click on "DISQUALIFICATIONS" and read the post.

If you need an updated ABSTRACT FORM, RESEARCH PLAN, ENTRY FORM, LOUISIANA REGION VI RULES, or ITEMS NOT ALLOWED, simply scroll down the page and find the document you need. Once there, click on the highlighted link (in red) and you will visit another webpage which will allow you to view or download the document. Also, you can find the document you want under "LABELS" down the right side of the page.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


The first thing a student should do before starting a new project is run through the "RULES WIZARD" found in the "LINKS" column to the right.

If a student plans on doing a project that has the potential to violate the rules set forth by the Society for Science, the "RULES WIZARD" will indicate these problems.

EVERY project needs the following forms : 1, 1A, 1B, Abstract on the Abstract form, and a Research Plan. To participate in the Region VI Science & Engineering Fair, an Entry Form needs to be filled out for each project. Team projects must have a form 1B for EACH member. Any additional forms identified by the "RULES WIZARD" need to be filled out also. ALL FORMS MUST BE FILLED OUT PRIOR TO ANY EXPERIMENTATION. The approval date on Form 1B must be BEFORE the experiment start date on Form 1A. If the experiment start date on Form 1A is before the approval date on Form 1B, then it shows the experiment started before it was actually approved. The rules are set up to make sure that young people don't injure themselves, or other people or animals, so Form 1B should always be the first one filled out. Please do not ask us to post-date signatures or fax us paperwork at the last minute. If the forms are done properly beforehand, then the student will be cleared for competition at the SCHOOL, PARISH, REGIONAL, STATE, and INTERNATIONAL competitions. The forms are available using the "DOCUMENTS" link, which directs one to the Society for Science website. The Abstract Form, Entry Form, Region VI Rules are all available on the Region VI website.

On this point we ask all parents and teachers and coordinators to please assist the students.

It is definitely best for the student to type in all the information on the forms found in the "DOCUMENTS" link to the right, and then print the forms out. It looks much neater and more professional. Then the signatures can be obtained.

Please follow the directions closely. If there are any questions, email me at or .

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